Friday, February 22, 2008


孟田兩歲了。我教她練習聽懂並回答「我兩歲。」用英文和中文。中文很快就學會了,英文卻一直跟著我重複「How old are you?」
(I should've posted this 4 months ago. Well, it's better than nothing.)
Fiona is two years old now. I've tried to teach her how to answer the question: "How old are you?" in English and Chinese. She picked up the Chinese answer pretty quickly, but it took her a while to understand that she doesn't have to repeat the question.
My dear family from Taiwan bought a cake and sang the happy birthday song in front of the computer for Fiona. Oh, I miss them so much.
We had a small party for Fiona. Grandma, grandpa and auntie Jane all came to the party. I also invited my friends Heidy and Filipe and their two boys. We have met some little friends here from the church and the mother's group I go to every Monday. But I'm not ready to throw a kid's birthday party yet. Hopefully I'll be ready next year for Fiona's 3-year-old birthday.
Grandma and grandpa bought a big penguin for Fiona, and some other nice things. She loves it so much. She even kisses the penguin good night.
Fiona's got an ice cream birthday cake. The penguin is lying on the couch.

Fiona loves her ice cream cake.

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