Friday, November 30, 2007

More photos from November

Here are some random photos from November:

Fiona learns to brush her own teeth

Who says you can't BBQ in -20c?

Fiona in her snowsuit in front of our house, enjoying a tasty bite of snow

Enjoying the kiddie play area at the mall

Getting ready for another breakfast
On November 3 Fiona turned two years old! Lots of people came over to celebrate, including Auntie Jane

11月18日,孟楷過生日。奶奶爺爺請客全家去吃日本鐵板燒。這裡吃鐵板燒可真不便宜啊!Then on November 18 it was Gareth's birthday. The whole family went to the Japanese Village for some teppanyaki.

Vivian really likes the kitchen in Mum and Dad's new condo

Thursday, November 01, 2007

English vs Chinese

孟田本來就會一些英文單字,但從未說過完整的句子。來這裡才一個月,孟田竟然會拿起奶奶的鞋子,對她說「You wan dis?」(Do you want this? 你要這個嗎?)也會問「Wha you doin?」(What are you doing?你在做什麼?)
Fiona knew a few English words before we came to Canada, but she never said any whole sentences. Only one month after being here, she picked up Grandma's shoes when Grandma was leaving, and said, "You wan dis? (Do you want these?)" She can also ask,"Wha you doin?" (What are you doing?) Kids are amazing! Her Chinese is improving too. She loves to ask me,"Mommy, ni zai zuo she me?" (what are you doing?) This is her favorite sentence now. She can ask me three times in one minute. And one evening before dinner, she shouted to Grandpa (in Chinese),"Stop reading, come to eat dinner!"

Fiona is enjoying reading with her bear in Gareth's old little chair.

這裡圖書館系統很棒(有機會以後再介紹)。我們很喜歡去借書、雜誌、CD、甚至是DVD。我們船運的東西抵達前,幫孟田借了好多書和DVD。她現在最喜歡看Maisy的DVD了(一隻很可愛的老鼠,照片中孟田在看的就是Maisy的書),還會唱主題曲呢!"Maisy, Maisy, Maisy Maisy Mouse!"還有一隻英國小狗叫做Kipper,她也很喜歡。Kipper和Wibbly Pig是同一個作者。
The library system in Calgary is awesome. We love going there. We can borrow books, magazines, music CDs and DVDs. Fiona's favorite DVD so far is "Maisy." She can even sing along the theme song now: "Maisy, Maisy, Maisy Maisy Mouse!"

Fiona usually runs upstairs and downstairs, and in and out of rooms when I'm busy in the kitchen. Today she was quiet for a while. Then I found her in the pouch of the portable cot. I wonder if this reminded her when she was still in my belly.