Saturday, June 23, 2007

Trip to Central Taiwan

Recently we took a road trip down to central Taiwan, first to attend a wedding but later to enjoy some of the local sights. We took a slow train ride, visited a little mountain village, saw a crumbling Japanese-era bridge, enjoyed some Hakka food and more.
Here's a video slideshow of our photos:

Turn on your speakers -- the slideshow comes with sound!
Bonus points if you know the two songs I used.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Another big announcement

2005年為了迎接孟田的到來 我們開始了這個部落格
在這裡 與你們一起分享了七百多個充滿歡笑日子(當然也有許多往肚裡吞的淚水)
心裡的不捨 不知該從何說起‧‧‧
In May of 2005 we started this blog with a big announcement: Vivian was expecting! Well lots has happened since then. Here it is, two years later, and we've got another announcement to make: We're moving back to Canada in the fall.

九月底 就要正式跟大家道別了
Currently we think it will be the end of September. We're going back to Calgary, Alberta, where Gareth's parents live. Taiwan has been very good to us, and we will be sad to go. Lots of good people and fond memories here. We will certainly miss this place. But it's time to start a new chapter in life. Calgary also has good things in store for us. Fiona will have the chance to be closer to her other grandparents, Janet and David, and her auntie Jane. Gareth wants to catch up with some old friends there as well. Even Vivian has a new, "old" friend in Calgary from her school days in Texas.

If you're in Taiwan and want to see us before we go, drop us a line and we'll set something up. We still have over 3 months left here. And if you're in North America and would like to come over to visit us in Calgary, let us know too. Once we get settled down again we would enjoy seeing some old friends again.