Vietnam Trip, Part 1: Ho Chi Minh City
January was vacation time for us, and this time we decided to take a side trip to Vietnam, only 3 hours away from Taipei.
很久沒出國玩了(去加拿大除外),決定趁著春節漲價前,去越南看看 Downtown Ho Chi Minh City (i.e. Saigon), Vietnam. The former Hotel de Ville is in the background. Looks a bit like Europe, eh?
因為曾是法國殖民地,胡志明市有許多法式建築,這個角度很像在歐洲吧!?Vivian stops to by some fruit from a street vendor. These peddlers were everywhere, hawking all kinds of different foods, snacks and souvenirs
這兒還有許多挑著擔子賣東西的小販,我一直覺得Gareth(或西方人)喜歡來越南的原因是,坐飛機到越南,就好像是搭乘時光機,一口氣把他們帶回到20或30年前的光景。 Fiona came along for the trip too!
孟田當然也一起來了。考慮了很久,實在捨不得把她丟給婆婆阿姨們,雖然知道他們一定會把她照顧的很好,還是捨不得。她是個天生的旅行者,一路上跟著我們東跑西走,十分合作,該吃就吃,該睡就睡。在飛機上也很安份。In front of HCMC's Notre Dame Cathedral, the largest and oldest church in the country. This church was built over 120 years ago by the French
Another grand building: The central post office, also built by the French
A legendary Saigon landmark: The Hotel Continental, favored meeting place for journalists in the French colony days. Author Graham Greene spent much time here soaking up material for his seminal book The Quiet American
Across the street from the Hotel Continental: The Municipal Theater
Vivian and Fiona relax in the pool at the Saigon Club
會去越南的一個主要原因是因為Gareth的爸爸有一個好朋友Alan現在定居在越南,有個三層樓的大房子,兩個佣人,兩個司機。有了他的幫忙,在胡志明市玩的安心多了。而且還有司機接接送送,俱樂部讓我們游泳休息,舒服極了 Playing with Jenna and Jack, the children of our hosts...
這是他的兩個孩子Jenna和Jack,孟田很喜歡跟姐姐玩,姐姐也很喜歡孟田 ...Alan and Anh Slater were very nice to put us up while in HCMC. We were even able to use their driver to take us round to the main attractions. Thanks Alan and Anh!
我們在他們家住了四個晚上,這就是Alan和他的越南太太Anh。看到滿桌的菜了嗎?The Hotel de Ville by night -- taken from the patio on the roof of the Rex Hotel
1 comment:
Wow...I LOVE the buildings/architecture in Vietnam, especially the cathedral and hotel! =)
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