So this is Christmas 2007
It's nice to be back in a country where Christmas is the major holiday of the year. With the snow and the music and all the decorations we felt most welcome being in Calgary again.她一眼就看到椅子上的大熊,要去抱抱
Fiona makes another trip to the mall, meets a furry friend我終於幫孟田修剪額頭前的頭髮了,頭髮老蓋住眼睛,夾髮夾又被她扯掉,乾脆剪成劉海妹妹頭。不過好奇怪,只不過剪個劉海,發現髮色輪廓也跟著變了,似乎變成另一個小孩了!!
We saw some firsts this season: Fiona's first haircut, performed at Mum's salon孟田的第一個泡沫浴,她愛死了。在浴缸裡又跳又叫,兩隻小手把泡泡弄的到處都是
First bubble bath. Fiona remembered seeing a Kipper the Dog video where Kipper takes a bath, and acted out some of Kipper's motions幫爸爸裝飾耶誕樹,她很會把小飾品掛在樹上呢!
Decorating the tree. Fiona "helps" Daddy put the angel on the top我和孟田第一次去「古蹟公園」,裡面有很多卡加利的老建築物,蒸氣火車,模仿早年卡加利的市容所建的公園。爺爺奶奶送我們的耶誕禮物之一就是這個公園的年票,好棒,等天氣暖和些,沒事就可以帶孟田來坐火車玩玩
First visit to Heritage Park, first hay ride. It was a chilly afternoon but we all had fun. Grandma and Grandpa were generous and bought us some 2008 season passes for the park, so we'll be back againMeeting another new friend, this one not so furry, but charming all the same
When can we open the presents?! Fiona was excited to see the gifts under the tree耶誕節當天,全家去Hyatt吃中飯
Enjoying a family Christmas brunch at the Hyatt hotel downtown. As Tiny Tim said, "God bless us, every one"吃完飯走到附近的奧林匹克廣場溜冰,孟田也有溜冰鞋喔,天黑了還不肯走。孟田的溜冰是──爸爸抱著溜。
After our meal we walked a couple of blocks down to Olympic Plaza and enjoyed some outdoor ice skating我和孟田做了一個薑餅屋,奶奶做了挪威的傳統耶誕糕餅,最右邊是30年前從挪威帶來的稻草羊
Back at home it was time to enjoy some sweet treats. We made a gingerbread house this year, and Mum made a traditional Norwegian kransekake, the towering cake in the centre. On the right is a traditional straw goat, also brought over from Norway nearly 30 years ago
1 comment:
Happy new year! Fiona is a big girl now!
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