A family bike ride to Costco
New Year's Day here in Taipei was a breezy +22C, with clear blue skies. Great day for a bike ride! We called Vivian's sister Jolene and asked her family to join us on the river trails Outside the front door of our apartment. Fiona's strapped into her trailer, we're ready to roll!
Wei Wei joined us for the ride...
...and where there is Wei Wei, you know Sunshine must be nearby too
Cruising the open river trails
Making a pit-stop
The view from above. We rode up the ramps to the roof of the local water treatment plant, which happens to be the way to Costco
Lunchtime! Pizza and hot dogs and caesar salad all round
Back on the rooftop park, after lunch. Looking back towards Dazhi, our neighborhood. In the foreground are some buildings in the Neihu Technology Park, and way in the back are the peaks of Yangming Mountain
Daddy is tired, wants a nap. Fiona's out of her trailer and ready for some antics
Daddy wakes up for a father-daughter photo
Fiona rambles on the lawn. She tripped often, and was then fascinated by the blades of grass stuck to her fingers
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