Monday, May 22, 2006

Climbing Taipei 101

上個星期天,我們參加了首次的爬101大樓慈善募款活動。孟楷參與了爬樓募款的部分,嘉倩在最後一層當義工,負責計算毎個人募得的款項。 一共募得185萬
Last Sunday we participated in the first-ever Taipei 101 Climbathon for Charity, an event organized by The Canadian Society in Taiwan. Gareth did the climbing, while Vivian volunteered at the check-out on the top floor. We were raising money for the Garden of Hope Foundation, and the Community Services Center in Taipei. The goal of the event was to raise $1 million NT dollars, but the grand total was $1.85 million. There was a cover story in the Taipei Times about it, and I even heard from my Mum that it was mentioned on the CBC news back in Calgary!

Pretty cool to consider the idea of climbing the tallest building in the world, eh?

If you are wondering, the climb took a little over half an hour.

Our intrepid team: "The Eagle Beavers." We're a mix of Canadians and Americans, so it's a good name (chosen by yours truly!).

Vivian was there to watch all the climbers cross the finish line. She collected the pledge forms and helped tally the donations.

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