Saturday, October 08, 2005

Vivian's baby shower

This baby shower was really something unusual for me. We don't do this in Taiwan at all. I really appreciate how Rachel and other friends made this happen for me and Fiona. Thanks all of you who came!
Fiona has been moving a lot lately. She probably can't wait to come out and see her gifts!

以前只有在西方電視電影裡看過這名堂─baby shower,中文應該可以翻譯成「嬰兒祝福會」(就是一群朋友們,為準媽媽和未出生的baby帶來禮物和祝福而聚在一起的聚會),這回換成自己是主角,真有點不習慣和一些難以置信。 真的很感謝這群朋友們所做的一切。相信Fiona在肚子裡就已經可以感受到這麼多阿姨們的關愛!

1 comment:

OsakaJack said...

This is great! Congratulations!