Friday, January 27, 2006
Sunday, January 22, 2006
An afternoon with Auntie Jolene在二阿姨家
Thursday, January 12, 2006
The first week of 2006
My family was with us until January 9. We were thankful to be able to spend this time with them. During the last week we went up to the top of Taipei 101, visited a couple of night markets and a little paper factory. One day we drove out to the East coast to see Jin Gua Shi and Jiu Fen, two ancient little mining villages. Gareth孟楷的爸、媽和妹妹一月九日回加拿大了。我們很高興他們能夠來一起共度(晚了一天的)聖誕和新年。上個星期我們去了台北101大樓、通化和士林夜市、以及紙藝博物館。孟楷還請了一天假,我把孟田放在娘家,一起開車到金瓜石和九份走走。
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Morgans in Taipei
In between spending time with Fiona, we enjoyed some meals at the American Club, a hike along the mountain behind our house, a visit to a nice tea house up in the forest, and other fun outings. At church we also had a baby dedication ceremony for Fiona.