More photos from November
Here are some random photos from November:
Fiona learns to brush her own teeth零下20度還可以烤肉嗎?當然可以,孟楷全副武裝烤給你看。
Who says you can't BBQ in -20c?孟田在家門前玩雪
Fiona in her snowsuit in front of our house, enjoying a tasty bite of snow冬天到戶外實在太冷,現在比較常帶她到購物中心裡的兒童遊樂區玩
Enjoying the kiddie play area at the mall準備吃早餐
Getting ready for another breakfast11月3日,孟田兩歲。爺爺奶奶Heidy阿姨一家人,連姑姑也來了。
On November 3 Fiona turned two years old! Lots of people came over to celebrate, including Auntie Jane11月18日,孟楷過生日。奶奶爺爺請客全家去吃日本鐵板燒。這裡吃鐵板燒可真不便宜啊!Then on November 18 it was Gareth's birthday. The whole family went to the Japanese Village for some teppanyaki.
Vivian really likes the kitchen in Mum and Dad's new condo